
The PCC have voted on which charities to support this year. Each charity has a sponsor who will endeavour to keep the congregation informed of any news throughout the year. 

International – Medical Aid for Palestinians (Carolyn Jay) – Click here to go to their website
National – Church Mission Society (CMS) for the work of Chris and Anna Hembury (Dorrie Bilson) – Click here  
Local – Whitchurch Welfare Trust (Sue Bailey) – Click here

Parishioners continue to support the Mityana Projects Trust, which is close to our hearts. Click here for more information. 

Donations of non-perishable goods left in the porch at 11 Lapwing Rise will be taken to Andover Food Bank every week. The Andover foodbank thanks everyone who has donated to us in the recent weeks.  Demand is still incredibly high, and we are therefore most grateful for your generosity. 


Carolyn Jay – proposer and Sponsor 

Carolyn says, “I’ve known MAP for a long time – I worked with MAP nurses when I worked in the Gaza Strip 30 years ago.  They are well embedded with communities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and providing critical services – for many years to come, I should think, given the current destruction of medical infrastructure in the Strip.” 

Our gift goes towards the work of Chris and Anna Hembury who live in an area of Hull where people are known for their no-nonsense attitude and honest vulnerability, an area suffering from high unemployment, child poverty, addiction, mental and physical health problems, prostitution and increasing racial tension. People feel a crippling lack of self-worth. But it’s an area full of buried treasure, untapped potential and dormant creativity. 

They support a group who are living in a CMS house for mission and serving their local community. They help look after a community garden and a sort of drop in/sofa-church in their neighbourhood. They help run Orts, a sewing collective where women from all walks of life can support each other, learn and create together. They work alongside the Hull Youth for Christ (YFC) team, supporting children, young people and families. 

Anna and Chris said: “Thank you so much for choosing to support our work here in Hull. It is sometimes difficult for folk to appreciate the particular needs and gifts in deprived neighbourhoods such as ours, and much of our mission work and context is pretty unglamorous! Most people here experience multiple disadvantages and are hard-pressed on every side. But we are in the business of treasure-hunting and story-changing, and your support enables us to find and celebrate and grow the transformative kingdom of God here. We plan to visit All Hallows in person again sometime this year, and will send out a link letter about three times a year, which we hope will serve to give you a sense of what you are partnering with in mission. Our next link letter should reach you sometime next month (all our previous link letters can be accessed on our page on the CMS website too, should anyone want to get more of a feel for what we’ve been hearing / doing / reflecting).

We are a voluntary organisation, setup to help with the welfare of people in Whitchurch.  We give grants to people or organisations in need.  Anyone who lives in the Whitchurch area could be eligible for help.  They can be contacted by email or a letter to the Whitchurch Welfare Trust c/o the Town Hall. 

There is more information on Whitchurch Welfare Trust website.