Please consider a gift towards the heritage and maintenance of our lovely Church.
You can give securely online via our Parish Giving Scheme using a card, Apple/Google Pay, or set up a Direct Debit.
If you are a UK taxpayer, we can reclaim tax on your donation, increasing it by 25% at no extra cost to you. Simply fill in our Gift Aid Declaration Form.
Registered Charity Number: 1133750
Christians are challenged to be generous in every aspect of their lives. It’s not only about giving money, but offering hospitality, giving time and using our skills – in our churches, but also in our homes, our workplaces and communities. Giving is the outworking of faith.
Giving to the parish, including through gifts in wills, supports the church’s mission and future. A gift in your will expresses gratitude to God and sustains the local church. The PCC ensures all gifts, regardless of size, make a real difference. For confidential discussions, contact the Parish Administrator.
Easyfundraising allows you to raise funds for All Hallows by simply shopping online. Partnering with over 7,500 brands, it turns a portion of your purchase into donations without extra cost to you. Simply sign up, select ‘all-hallows-whitchurch’ as your cause, and shop through the site or app, generating commissions that converts into donations.