
What do we mean by “Safeguarding”? 

Safeguarding is the protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults from abuse.  Abuse can take various forms, including physical, emotional or sexual abuse and neglect. 

Who is responsible for Safeguarding? 

We all are, as a society.  If we suspect that someone is the victim of abuse, then we must not rely on someone else to do something about it.  

We must not brush off a genuine concern, however small, with “It’s none of my business”, “If I’ve spotted it, someone else is bound to have” or “Maybe I’m just imagining it”. 

Each of us has a responsibility to (discretely) voice our concerns to someone who is in a position to act on them, e.g. a teacher or local child protection team. 

How do we handle Safeguarding? 

The Benefice takes our responsibility very seriously.  We recognise that we must take all steps necessary to ensure that no abuse ever happens during any form of church activity, and should we ever receive a report of abuse – whether inside or outside of church activities – then the relevant people must know how to deal with it kindly, discretely, swiftly and effectively. We follow the policies and procedures recommended by the Church of England. 

What to do if you have a Safeguarding concern 

Speak to one of the Safeguarding Team immediately.  Your concern will be dealt with in strictest confidence and in accordance with our Safeguarding Policies and Procedures. 

If you have any concerns you would like to talk through, please contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Paul Barber – 

Alternatively, you can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Manager: 
Jackie Rowlands – 01962 737317 – 

If neither Safeguarding Officer is available and you need immediate advice or help Monday to Friday 6pm – 8am, or on a weekend or bank holidays, please call the Hampshire Children’s Services Department out of hours service on: 0300 555 1373. 

​For all emergency situations, contact the police on 999. 

If you are experiencing online bullying or something else online has worried you, please speak to an adult you trust, or you can talk to Childline at any time on 0800 1111 or at 

Further information

Full details of the Diocese of Winchester’s Safeguarding principles and guidelines, including policies and the safeguarding handbook.

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